艺术经理人杂志 Art Management Consultant
出品:世界华人精英全球理事委员会 Global Director Committee of World Chinese Elite 主办:世华联总会艺术委员会 Artistic Committee Of World Chinese-Overseas-Trade Union General Attestation 承办:北京江山丽人文化传播有限公司 Beijing Jiangshanliren Culture Commission Co., Ltd 策划设计:北京一路领先文化艺术中心 Beijing Yilulingxian Culture & Art Center
支持单位: 世界华人美术家协会 World Chinese Artists Association 世界华人艺术家联合会 World Chinese Artists Union Committee 北京中艺博文化传播有限公司 Beijing Chinese Yibo Culture Commission Co., Ltd 北京吉祥伯乐文化传播有限责任公司 Beijing Jixiangbole Culture Commission Co., Ltd 中央美术学院人文学院艺术管理学系 Artistic Management Department of Humanities College of China Central Academy of Fine Arts
编辑出版: 《艺术经理人》编辑部
主 编:梁海洋博士 Tiger Liang Ph.D 执行主编:张全福 Zhang Quanfu 执行总监:王宇琦 Xendy Wang 策划总监:袁山开Yuan Shankai 企划总监:何欣He Xin 市场总监:齐建秋Qi Jianqiu 美术编辑:赵 坤Zhao Kun 外联部执行总监:毕更宇Bi Gengyu 编委顾问:马未都 Ma Modu袁山开Yuan Shankai 董梦阳Dong Mengyang 王一涵 Wang Yihan 祝君波 Zhu Junbo 张子庚Zhang Zigeng 程昕东Chen Zindong 赵庆伟Zhao Qingwei 李国胜Li Guosheng 陆仲远Lu Zhongyuan 陈蓉之 Victoria Lu王亚民Wang Yamin 林松Lin Song 编 委: 程昕东Chen Xindong 周岳平Zhou Yueping 宣家鑫Xuan Jiaxin 陈宇虹Chen Yuhong 冯博一 Feng Boyi李砚强Li Yanqiang 高 嗣 Gao Si 蒋频Jiang Pin 萧富元Xiao Fuyuan 鲁虹Lu Hong 采 编: 王兆鑫 Wang Zhaoxin刘春霞Liu Chunxia 陈腾Chen Teng 杨娟 Joan Yang 国际联络处主任:张晓鹏 Zhang Xiaopeng司徒晓玲Georgiana Lee
宗旨及理念 Art Management Cousultant 《艺术经理人》杂志 Tenet and Aim
Telling stories of Art Elites, Interviewing with famous elites in art filed, Spreading excellent culture and art in the world, Promoting Chinese industrious and brave spirit, Showing the fascination of all kinds of art &culture,Recommending and appreciating classical contemporary art, Spreading Chinese culture,Reporting artistic exchanging of motherland and abroad,Taking attention to the investment information of art market,Engaging for the finance on art works,Sharing the best operation and management for art works,Art management consultant is a double- monthly magazine with 138 pages, printed in all Chinese area and the issue adopts the form of member. The magazine has academic, professional, and readable of features, it is a best windows for the main readers’ art lovers to take attention to appreciate classical contemporary art and the arts authoritative publications.
采撷艺术精英人士故事;访谈艺术领域著名精英;传播世界优秀文化艺术;彰显各种文化艺术魅力;推荐鉴赏当代艺术经典;传播中华民族优秀文化;推荐国内国外艺术交流;关注艺术市场投资资讯;解答艺术市场理财疑难;分享最佳艺术精英管理。 艺术经理人杂志每两月一期,每期138页,全彩色印刷,每月8日出版,,全中国地区公开会员制发。本刊兼具学术性、专业性、可读性,期望成为艺术、文化领域关注艺术经营管理的的重要窗口,并以文化艺术爱好者为读者群,是关注当代文化艺术状况的权威性刊物。 |